
Keynote Address – Rev. Dr. Mark Wickstrom

Rev. Dr. Mark Wickstrom is a retired ELCA pastor who has served 7 churches in his 52 year ministry career.  In addition, he has been a church consultant, seminary adjunct professor, conference and camp speaker, mission trip organizer, and has written curriculum for numerous publishers. He is our keynote speaker and will be centering his talk on his first book “The Gospel of Grace”.  He will be sharing helpful tools for building a positive understanding of the Bible.  Dr. Wickstrom and his wife Kristi have successfully raised four children into adulthood.  They live in Las Vegas and spend summers at their lake place in Wisconsin.

Forum 1: Marty Harpster
Video: Marty Harpster Forum #1 

De Colores! My name is Marty Harpster, and I am excited to attend my first Annual Gathering! I have four responsibilities, including serving as the co-chair and mentor, and serving on the music team. I will present Forum #1 and will lead a discussion in an EOI on Sponsorship/Strengthening the 4th Day.

I was born in Merced, CA, and my parents raised an “Air Force Brat,” moving from California to Idaho to Texas to Oklahoma to Arizona to Florida and back to Texas, where I graduated from high school in Austin.

I spent five years at the University of Idaho in Moscow, and after living in Colorado for two years, settled in the Spokane/Inland Empire area, where I lived from 1977 until 2001. Then, God picked my wife Mary and me up and deposited us in Las Vegas, where we have lived since.

Mary and I have a blended family. Her two daughters adopted me! We also have a son and daughter, who are twins, who adopted Mary. We have three granddaughters and one great-grandson. Our family stretches from Spokane to San Diego to Boise to Seward to Ft. Worth, and here in the Las Vegas valley.

My career has been in the building design and construction professions. In 2019 I stepped down from full-time employment and became a part-time construction consultant, which allows us the freedom to travel in our RV to visit our family and friends.

My Three-Day experience began with my Walk to Emmaus in 1993 in Walla Walla, WA. I served their community on the Secretariat and on team during weekends. When we moved to Las Vegas, I joined the Light in the Desert Via de Cristo community at VdC #8 and have served on the Secretariat and weekends since. My passion is sponsorship, and all the responsibilities being an effective sponsor entail.

Forum 2: Spiritual Director Panel
with Rev. G. Karl Gaston, moderator
Tracy Schmidlin, Ken Larson & Sara Jones

Tracy Schmidlin

My name is Tracy Schmidlin, I attend King of Glory Lutheran Church in Sylvania, Ohio. I made Good News! Via de Cristo #3, in 1987, in Ottawa Lake Michigan, where I sat at the table of Deborah.   

One of the take-aways from my weekend was the need for Spiritual Disciplines in my life to enhance and enrich my walk with Jesus.  This has translated into my learning more and following a path in Spiritual Direction.  Twenty years ago, I completed 3 years of a Spiritual Direction program, and I am currently completing an intensive practicum (graduate program, if you will) that ends with a 10-day directed silent retreat.

I have had the privilege to be a part of the Via de Cristo community since my weekend.  My 4th day has included positions on my local Secretariat, as well as positions on the National Secretariat Executive Board. I have worked many weekends, served on the 2016 team to host an Annual Gathering and have been attending Annual Gatherings since 1997. 

Why? Because I believe our spiritual lives are just that important!

I keep coming back to Annual Gatherings for the value of spiritual friendships within the body of Christ and the encouragement to build the value of Christ in everyday life. There is much to be gleaned from every Annual Gathering, because I believe there is much that Via De Cristo has to offer us as individuals and communities.

Please join us and take time out to hear more about Spiritual Direction and how it can benefit your life, at the Forum #2 on Friday, July 26.  

Ken Larson

  • Spiritual Director & Trainer with Christian Formation & Direction Ministry – Nevada: Board Member; Organizer/Facilitator for Invitation to Go Deeper Contemplative Events
  • Interfaith Council of Southern Nevada: Board Member, Monthly Conversation Planner, & Interfaith Contemplative Center Leadership Team
  • Community Lutheran Church (ELCA): Spiritual Director in Center for Spiritual Formation & Stephen Minister; Lay Leader with Synod Diversity & Inclusivity Project (Simon’s Project)
  • Boundless Compassion Program (created by Joyce Rupp): Facilitator & Board Member
  • Retired Civil Engineer & Manager
  • Married, Father, & Grandfather

Sara Jones

I am a Certified Spiritual Director practicing for over 10 years and have an active practice.  My spiritual direction education was completed at Perkins School of Theology at Southern Methodist University in Dallas, Texas.  I studied under Fred Schmidt, a nationally known spiritual direction educator and author.  I was drawn to spiritual direction by the question that lies in the heart of every Christian life – how do we know God’s will for our lives? Spiritual Direction has taught me to sharpen my discernment to recognize where God is active in my life and deepen my ability to hear God’s voice. I frequently lecture or present classes on Spiritual Direction. I have always been clear that my path to Spiritual Direction started when I made Lutheran Via de Cristo of North Texas weekend #29.

Forum 3: Overview of Hebrews 12:1-2 with Jeff Gordon, RN

De Colores!  I’m Jeff Gordon, and I am excited to attend my first Annual Gathering!

Ever share God’s love in Walmart or Taco Bell? I’m your speaker for the third session and will share how with fun outreach stories, was told I’m supposed to do a summary of all the other speaker’s messages, and make it fast. We’ll have fun and high energy during this session! It being Vegas, I guarantee a jackpot and you will actually get cash in your hand.

My careers have been in the Army as a combat veteran mustang. A mustang served both as enlisted as an officer.  Combat time enlisted as a paratrooper; officer time as a combat arms Armor officer and also commanding a Military Police Company for three years. Another 19 years with the Department of Energy National Nuclear Security Administration Nevada Test Site Operations contractors. Retired, lived in the Caribbean, got bored and have been an ER RN and more for 12 years.  It’s fun saving lives now instead of hunting bad guys down to kill them.

My Three-Day experience began with Light in the Desert at Community Lutheran Church in Las Vegas. I have served our community on the Secretariat and on teams during more than a dozen weekends.

My passion is leading myself first showing God’s grace with an excellent attitude smiling and supporting as many as I can every day.  I say it at work every day, “We treat all patients with dignity and respect.” And yes, that applies to people that are homeless, whores, criminals, violent people and all the really good people as well. Like you.

Thank you for the opportunity to share some more blessings with you during this awesome annual gathering!