The meeting reconvened with a prayer by Pastor G. Karl Gaston. The election process was reviewed again. Jerry Gray was elected by acclamation on Thursday as Treasurer and Pastor G. Karl Gaston was elected by acclamation on Thursday as Spiritual Director. The election of the Vice President of Administration commenced. The nominees were Carolyn Witham, Sue Bathe and Randy Poisel. The budget was also included on the delegates’ ballots. While the votes were being counted Brain Comeno gave the state of the National Lutheran Secretariat. The delegates also discussed the proposed idea of creating a scholarship program for seminary students. The motion to create a committee to establish the guidelines for this program passed. The budget passed and Carolyn Witham was elected as the Vice President of Administration. At the end of the weekend, when the position rotate, the Secretary position will become vacant and the Executive Committee will appoint a replacement to finish out Caroyn’s term as Secretary.