Pastor G. Karl Gaston opened the meeting with prayer. Brian Comeno called the meeting to order, and the 2024 Delegates were seated. After the election process was explained the floor was opened for nominations. There were no floor nominations for Treasure. A motion was made and passed to accept Jerry Gray by acclamation as Treasurer. There were no floor nominations for the Spiritual Director. A motion was made and passed to accept Pastor G. Karl Gaston by acclamation as Spiritual Director. A floor nomination for Randel Poisel as Vice President of Administration was made and Randy accepted the nomination. The candidates for Vice President of Administration are Carolyn Witham, Sue Bathe and Randy Poisel. John Aclin discussed the website resource committee. They are still collecting video testimonials and working on the trifolds. Please let them know of any other resources you might like to see on the website. Brian presented the suggested SD Scholarship program. The delegates will vote Saturday on whether to proceed with setting up the SD Scholarship. If the proposal passes a committee will be formed to determine the criteria and process of the scholarship. The meeting was then recessed until Saturday, July 28, 2024.