Executive Director
Role Description
The Executive Director is a responsible servant of Jesus Christ who wishes to glorify God by serving Via de Cristo (VdC) and the NLS in coordinating the operations of the organization.
- Selected from individuals submitting applications by a panel consisting of the current National Lutheran Secretariat (NLS) Executive Director, two previous Executive Committee (EC) members and two current EC members.
- Serves without compensation.
- Accountable to the NLS President and the EC.
Essential Functions and Responsibilities
- Pray regularly for the members of the NLS Executive Board (EB) and the NLS affiliated secretariats
- Be an active member of a renewal group
- The Executive Director, along with the President and Spiritual Director, serve as liaison to other 4th Day Communities and various church bodies to promote the mission and purpose of VdC
- Supports the Secretary in the distribution and tabulation of Annual Activities Survey. Verify and support the communications to each L.D. and Regional Coordinator the allotted number of voting delegates for the Annual Gathering by March 15
- Verify the submission of statistical reports to the NLS Treasurer for the collection of annual dues
- Works under the direction of the Executive Committee (EC), by attending Board meetings and participating in appropriate conference calls to: formulate policy; develop and review short and long term plans; provide reports on various activities; assist the President in planning meeting agendas; serves as an advisory, non-voting member of the EC
- As necessary works with the Vice President of Administration on matters associated with the National VdC Annual Gathering, the Vice President of Outreach to facilitate and assist in those efforts, and the Spiritual Director on matters concerning pastoral issues and functions
- Maintains duplicates of manuals, educations, liaison and promotional materials in coordination with the Distribution Center Coordinator.
- Represents the NLS and interprets the philosophy, policies, and procedures to other 4th Day communities, government agencies, and media
- Attends VdC and 4th Day community meetings and activities as necessary to ensure coordination and cooperation with these entities
- Maintains an accurate and timely manual for this position including a timeline of responsibilities
- Work with each Executive Committee member and appointed individuals to bring suggested updates to each position’s manual and discuss with the President annually
- Provides an annual report of activities to the Vice President of Administration for inclusion in the Annual Gathering binder no later than June 1 of each year
Other Duties
As requested by the NLS President.
Knowledge, Skills, and Related Gifts
- Well versed in method, history, and roots of the movement
- Servant spirit
- Good organizational skills including the ability to prioritize and motivate/utilize volunteers
- Good communication and time management skills
- Reasonable office and computer skills
- Modest understand of accounting
Fiscal Responsibility
Working with the NLS Treasurer, the Executive Director will track and manage the day-to-day NLS budget. The Executive Director will provide appropriate travel expense reports with necessary documentation to the NLS Treasurer.
Extent of Public Contact: Moderate to High
The Executive Director is required to attend the NLS Mid-Year Meeting, National VdC Annual Gathering; and the 4th Day Leaders Forum. If requested by the Vice President of Outreach or the President, the Executive Director will be able to travel to various
secretariats as required to facilitate support, guidance and counsel.
Physical Demands
The Executive Director will be noticeably visible at various and appropriate National Lutheran Church functions. Travel as requested to affiliated secretariats and their communities. And will be in attendance at all Executive Committee meetings.