This group talked about 6 basic things that a secretariate should be doing.
- Records retention: The National website has a Red Book list that gives specifics of things you should have available to you if you are audited. Some examples are articles of incorporation, your constitution, your bylaws, and 501 3c papers. These are state specific items, so check your state and county for specifics.
- Code of Conduct: many secretariates have written these for their participants and team to sign and be aware of.
- Essentials: the website has this, and these are the things that need to be included in every weekend. All the other stuff is extra. Be careful with these.
- Organizational Wellness Checklist for Secretariates. This was given to each regional coordinator, so check with your person.
- Sponsorship is key to building your group. Secretariates need to emphasize this and keep educating.
- Ultreyas: Groups across the nation do them differently and at different times.